Friday, 10 May 2019



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub sections (1) (2) and sub section (4) of section 248 read with section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of2013), the central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the companies (Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies) Rules,2016 , namely:-

(1) These rules may be called the Companies (Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies) Amendment Rules, 2019
(2) They shall come into force with effect from 10h May,2019

2. In the Companies (Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies) Rules, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the principal rules), in rule 4,-(a) in sub-rule (1), for the words five thousand rupees the following shall be substituted, namely:- ten thousand rupees

Provided that no application in Form No 'STK 2 shall be filed by a company unless it has filed overdue returns in Form No. AOC4 (Financial statement) or AOC4 XBRL, as the case may be, and Form No. MGT-7 (Annual Return), up to the end of the financial year in which the company ceased to carry its business operations: Provided further that in case a company intends to file Form No. STK-2 after the action under sub-section (1) of section 248 has been initiated by the Registrar, it shall file all pending overdue returns in Form No. AOC-4 (Financial statement) or AOC4 XBRL, as the case may be, and Form No. MGT-7 (Annual Return) before filing Form No. STK-2. Provided also that once notice in Form No STK-7 has been Registrar Pursuant to the action initiated under sub-section (1) of company shall not be allowed to file an application in Form No' STK-2 (b) in sub-rule (3), in clause (ii), after the words, statement of words, letters and figures in Form No. STK-8 shall be inserted' In the Annexure to the principal rules,-issued by the section 248, accounts, the (a) in Form No. STK-4, in serial Number 2, after item (vii), the following item shall be inserted, namely:-,

(viii) The company has fulfilled all pending compliances if any [Applicable in case an application under sub-section (2) of section 248 has been filed after the initiation of action under sub-section (1) of section 248].(b) after Form No. STK -7, the following Form shall be inserted' namely: STK-8.
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In exercise of the Powers conferred by sub-section (1] and sub section (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the National Company Law Tribunal Rules,2016, namely:-

(1) These rules may be called the National Company Law Tribunal (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.

2. In the National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the principal rules) in rule 84, after sub-rule (2), the following sub-rules shall be inserted, namey -
(3) In case of a company having a share capital, the requisite number of member to file an application under sub-section (1) of section 245 shall be

-(i) (a) at least five per cent of the total number of members of the company; or
(b) one hundred members of the company,

whichever is less or

(ii) (a) member or members holding not less than five per cent of the issued share capital of the company, in case of an unlisted company;
(b) member or members holding not less than two per cent' of the issued share capital of the company, in case of a listed company.

(4) The requisite number of depositor or depositors to file an application under sub-section (1) of section 245 shall be -

(i) (a) at least five per cent of the total number of depositors of the company; or
(b) one hundred depositors of the company,

whichever is less or;

(ii) depositor or depositors to whom the company owes five percent of total deposits of the company.

3. In the principal rules, in the schedule of fees, serial No. 28 shall be omitted.
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The Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has approved the issuance of four ICSI Auditing Standards and the same were released on May 6, 2019 at the ICSI House, New Delhi. The Standards are required to be observed by the Company Secretaries undertaking Audits. The Standards seek to promote best auditing practices, uniformity and consistency while conducting audits. The four Standards are :

·       CSAS-1: Auditing Standard on Audit Engagement;
·       CSAS-2: Auditing Standard on Audit Process and Documentation;
·       CSAS-3: Auditing Standard on Forming of Opinion, and
·       CSAS-4: Auditing Standard on Secretarial Audit

These standards are applicable on recommendatory basis on Audit engagements accepted by the Auditor on or after 1st July, 2019; and mandatory for Audit engagements accepted by the Auditor on or after 1st April, 2020.
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Stakeholders are requested to note that Ministry is in the process of prescribing the format of annual return required to be filed by the auditors under rule 5 of the National Financial Reporting Authority Rules, 2018. Accordingly, the stakeholders are requested to make such filings only after such format is made available MCA vide its notification dated 13th November 2018 notified National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) Rules 2018. Key aspects specified by the NFRA rules are Classes of companies and bodies corporate governed by the NFRA Authority includes every auditor referred to in rule 3 shall file a return with the Authority on or before 3oth April every year in such form as may be specified by the Central Government.
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The Reserve bank of India has allowed banks to treat exposure to IL&FS and its group entities as non-performing assets -NPAs- following the NCLAT - National Company Law Appellate Tribunal’s - order allowing the same. It may be recalled that the central bank in its April 24 directive had asked banks to not treat their exposure to IL&FS and its 300 group entities as NPAs, following a circular by the NCLAT on February 25. It had said that no financial institution will declare the accounts of ‘Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited’ or its entities as ‘NPA’ without prior permission of this Appellate Tribunal. The Reserve Bank had then advised banks and financial institutions to disclose in their notes to accounts. But an order by NCLAT on May 02, allowed the banks to declare the accounts of IL&FS and its group companies that have defaulted on repayments of loans as NPAs. A judicial bench then lifted the embargo on the banks to declare the accounts of the debt-ridden IL&FS and its 300 group entities, which could not repay their debt. In view of NCLAT’s May 02, 2019 order the instructions contained in the (April 24) circular stand withdrawn RBI said in a notification.
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Financial creditors would realise more than Rs 80,000 crore in this financial year from the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) mainly driven by two large accounts Essar Steel and Bhushan Steel and Power. This is 21% higher compared to about Rs 66,000 crore realised in the last financial year. Successful completion of the corporate insolvency resolution process for these two accounts would bring closure to eight companies from the RBI’s list and could help strengthen the confidence in the IBC, despite the significant delays seen in the process with most of the CIRPs lasting more than 500 days, Abhishek Dafria. The rating company expects number of cases being admitted to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) to continue to increase, especially from the operational creditors who are responsible for 50% of all cases admitted by the NCLT. The progress of the resolution process under the IBC has been hampered over the past two years by the over-burdened NCLTs, innumerable litigations, defiant promoters and failing sectors, said ICRA. As of March 31, 2019, 715 cases of defaulting corporate debtors had been closed under the IBC. Out of this, 378 corporate debtors were ordered into liquidation, while only 92 corporate insolvency resolution process yielded a resolution plan where the companies continue to operate as going-concerns. ICRA said that the decision by Supreme Court is a blow to the IBC and it is important for the RBI to find a new mechanism to ensure that resolution of stressed assets happen in a disciplined manner. Also, the NCLTs continue to remain heavily burdened as the number of cases being admitted continues to increase quarter-on-quarter with the highest quarterly admissions of 359 cases reported in the fourth quarter. As the timelines for the corporate insolvency resolution process continue to get stretched, with 32% of the on-going CIRPs as on March 31, 2019 having already crossed the maximum allowed time of 270 days, the number of admitted cases that are yet to be resolved are only increasing. As of March 31, 2019, the number of on-going CIRPs had increased to 1,143. NCLT benches are being set up at Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh and at Indore in Madhya Pradesh.
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The upcoming Seventh Economic Census 2019 will include geotagged data of business enterprises to ensure that no bogus enterprises are included in the official statistics, a senior official said. The move comes even as the government is facing questions over its national income numbers and growth estimates. Field officials conducting the survey will include live locations of the enterprises via their mobile phones, the official told. Geotagging will help to organically clean the database. At the first stage, there will be a physical check and geotagging of all enterprises by the officers of Common Service Centres, the access points for delivering government e-services in rural and remote areas. This would be followed by a sampling check in which government’s field officers will randomly verify the location of the enterprise. The geotagging is expected to help weed out the shell companies and thereby improve data quality This comes after a National Sample Survey (NSS) technical report on services sector enterprises in India released last week had shown that nearly a third of the companies included in the MCA-21 data were either missing or wrongly classified. This led to further criticism of the official GDP calculations as MCA-21 data is used for calculating corporate value addition in the new series with 2011-12 base. The new GDP series has been under criticism for showing high growth not corroborated by high-frequency indicators and sharp revision in earlier estimates. The government had on Wednesday said the shortcomings had not impacted the data. It is emphasised that there is no impact on the existing GDP/GVA estimates for the corporate sector as due care is taken to appropriately adjust the corporate filings at the aggregate level based on the paid-up capital, MoSPI said.
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It’s three years since Parliament passed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) and about 30 months since the first case was filed under the new law. It’s the landmark reform of the past five years and has boosted India’s rankings in the World Bank’s ease of doing business. But the track record in bad loans resolution has been less than satisfactory owing to a variety of factors. Cases are mired in litigation, timelines haven’t been adhered to the law itself has been amended a couple of times, and the bankruptcy infrastructure hasn’t been ramped up as needed for quicker and effective resolution. Still, the fact remains that IBC was a much-needed, long-awaited reform which, despite warts and all, is an improvement over the previous tools available to creditors to recover their money from defaulters.

Shifting the balance of power
When a defaulting company is taken to bankruptcy court, its management passes on to a resolution professional. If resolution doesn’t take place within 180 days (plus a 90-day grace period), the defaulter is sent to liquidation. What it does is shift the balance of power from the debtors to creditors. Promoters who held banks to ransom by refusing to pay up their dues could no longer do so simply because they stand to lose their company. The IBC ensured that promoters no longer have any rights over their firms after mismanagement. This naturally helps instill better credit discipline and helps release capital for banks. As M S Sahoo, said, one of the biggest successes of the IBC is the behavioural change it has induced in corporate debtors. The Supreme Court judgement earlier this year which upheld the constitutional validity of the bankruptcy law adds teeth to the IBC. Moreover, it’s not only banks which can trigger the IBC. Employees, vendors, distributors and other operational creditors can take a firm to court for unpaid dues. When creditor rights are strengthened, it helps deepen the corporate bond market as well. For entrepreneurs, the IBC offers a easy and quick route for winding up their business.

Teething troubles
That’s the theory anyway. In practice, the IBC has had teething troubles common for new laws. But the net result is that bad loan resolution is still not taking place as quickly as envisaged in the law. According to Kotak Institutional Equities’ analysis of IBBI data, a total of 1,858 cases have been registered under the IBC by 31 March 2019. Of this, 378 cases have been closed through liquidation while only 94 cases have been resolved with an average haircut of 52 percent. What’s more, one in every three of the 1143 cases currently undergoing resolution has exceeded the 270-day outer limit. That includes majority of the big 12 cases – with outstanding dues of Rs 3.45 lakh crore. Some like Essar Steel have crossed 600 days. All this means delayed release of capital for banks. Almost one in two cases have exceeded 180 days Even liquidation is taking time. For the 378 cases, that have been admitted to liquidation, the final report (saying that the process has been closed) has been submitted for only 16 cases. In 278 out of the 362 ongoing liquidation cases, the process has been going on for at least six months.

Time = money
The tardy resolution is hobbling the bankruptcy code. As these pages have pointed out earlier, inadequate institutional infrastructure and two key amendments to the code, have been the key culprits. In the first one in November 2017, Section 29 A was introduced. It barred defaulting promoters to bid for assets under the IBC unless they cleared their dues. In June 2018, a second amendment allowed withdrawals of cases provided 90 percent of the creditors agreed. It also allowed MSME promoters to bid for their companies, regardless of defaulting status, and said that home buys should be treated on par with financial creditors. These amendments are no doubt, well-intentioned, but they have not been thought through properly. That’s especially the case with Section 29 A where a wide net of related and connected parties has led to a lot of litigation. The law does not seem to differentiate between defaulters who defaulted in the ordinary course of business and those who are guilty of fraud and siphoning of funds. The bankruptcy courts have also not made things easier by sometimes entering the realm of commercial decisions and taking it upon themselves to ensure optimal resolution even if it means overstepping their remit. There have been cases when tribunals have allowed last minute bids, permitted withdrawal of cases after the resolution processed ended and so on. This is despite the law clearly stating that an application can be withdrawn only before expressions of interest are submitted. A more recent example is the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal’s suggestion that the committee of creditors for Essar Steel rethink on how funds should be distributed to operational and financial creditors. As these pages have said earlier, some of these judgments have set a precedent which provide the basis for escalating litigation and added to the delays.

The gaps in infra
Inadequate infrastructure has been another factor causing delays. For a long time, the 12 benches of NCLT had only 16 judicial members and nine technical members. Earlier this month, the government okayed the appointment of 32 new members to the NCLT, more than doubling its strength. This is a welcome and long overdue move. Besides this, digitisation of the NCLT/NCLAT platform, proactive training/on-boarding of judges, lawyers and other intermediaries will be necessary for effective implementation of the code, said a report by Crisil and Assocham. A related area is that of information utilities (IU) which provides access to credible and transparent evidence of default. Currently, only one IU, the National eGovernance Services Ltd (NSeL), is registered. Without proper IU infrastructure, the NCLT gets involved in evaluating whether a default has taken place; this can be a time-consuming process and eats into the bandwidth of NCLT, said the Crisil report. Further, in the absence of IUs, the formation of committee of creditors may take longer.

What next?
There is still a long way to go for a comprehensive bankruptcy law in India For instance, as MS Sahoo has pointed out in the recent newsletter of IBBI, it is time to focus on individual insolvency. Group insolvency and insolvency related to financial corporations is another area. Even in the existing corporate insolvency resolution process, innovations should be considered. Last month, the ministry of corporate affairs issued a notice seeking public views on group insolvency and pre-packaged insolvency resolution. In a pre-pack, a defaulter arranges to sell all or some of its assets to a buyer – with the blessings of its lenders – before declaring insolvency. It then files this resolution plan with the National Company Law Tribunal for the court’s approval. Such a mechanism will speed up the resolution process since much of the work is done before approaching the tribunal and relieve the pressure on the NCLT infrastructure. Of course, such a system can be prone to abuse and needs to be thought through carefully, especially features such as the transparency of the bidding system, treatment of operational creditors, selling it to NCLT and bankers who have been reluctant to take creditors to bankruptcy and so on. But given the delays we have seen and the value destruction that has happened, the time seems right to serious consider taking the next steps to improve the IBC.
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Videocon Group had no serious intention to recover Rs 64 crore that it had transferred to Kochhar group of companies, according to an investigation report of the corporate affairs ministry (MCA) that is unravelling the complex maze of firms floated by the two groups. Kochhars’ NuPower Renewables utilised the said amount in March 2010 towards its purchase of wind energy generators from Shriram Transport Finance Company (STFCL) and Shriram City Union Finance (SCUFL) for approximately Rs 73 crore. MCA is also probing if NuPower also received Rs 325 crore from Firstland Holdings, owned by businessman Nishant Kanodia, it said. NuPower acquired wind powers from Shriram Group and also constructed its own wind power business by consolidation funds in its kitty (sum total of funds from Videocon, Firstland, DH Renewable, bank loans, etc.), the report said. The Mumbai regional office of MCA in the past has questioned Videocon chairman Venugopal Dhoot, NuPower founder Deepak Kochhar, as well as his wife and former ICICI Bank MD Chanda Kochhar, who was not a director in any of the companies being probed. While MCA regulates the affairs of the companies in India and doesn’t probe conflict of interest, in this case there was a need to quiz Chanda Kochhar, said a person familiar with the probe. Her appointment as the ICICI Bank CEO & MD has been mentioned in the report as it is pertinent to note that the advances were transferred in her husband’s companies from Videocon and Firstland Holdings around the time ICICI granted loans to either their group firms or those associated to them. While detailing the sequence of event relating to incorporation of companies and movement of funds, the MCA report noted, May 2009 — Chanda Kochhar becomes the CEO & MD of ICICI Bank Ltd. According to the MCA report, Videocon never came clean on the advance of Rs 64 crore to Supreme Energy — a company promoted and incorporated by Dhoot, but by 2012 it was owned by Deepak Kochhar. VIL has not separately disclosed this amount in its financial statements but it is admitted on oath that the amount was clubbed in figures under the head ‘advances’ but was also not disclosed as related-party transactions as required under AS-18 as Supreme was a related party of VIL. Violation on these counts and also of Section 295 of CA, 1956 is reported in the inspection report of VIL, it said.
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The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) is examining the role of Life Insurance Corp officials as part of its investigation into the Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) default in September last year. The shock default led to a liquidity squeeze, the effects of which are still reverberating through the financial markets. LIC is the largest shareholder in IL&FS with a 25% stake and had its representatives on the board. The SFIO recently questioned a former LIC director, said an official familiar with the development. The agency is seeking information about the funding of IL&FS Transportation Networks Ltd (ITNL) by IL&FS Financial Services Ltd (IFIN) since LIC was one of the lenders to IL&FS, the person said. The SFIO wants to know if lenders were kept in the loop when IFIN took the decision to fund ITNL. This is one of the major issues on which the former LIC director was questioned, the person said. Currently the probe is focusing on irregularities in the affairs of IFIN (an IL&FS subsidiary). Once the interim report on IFIN is submitted, the focus will shift to IL&FS and other LIC officials are likely to be called in for questioning by the SFIO, said the person. LIC didn’t respond to queries. SFIO is also probing the role played by other IL&FS shareholders. It recently questioned Central Bank of India executives over the short-term loans that the state-run lender gave to IL&FS. Central Bank of India holds 7.76% of IL&FS. Their (Central Bank of India executives) statements have been recorded and will be part of the final report prepared by SFIO, the official added. The public money was extended to the group companies by IFIN without required security and performing due diligence, the agency said in its report.
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Concluding that the transactions of Jet Airways are of 'suspicious' in nature and require a thorough probe the Mumbai regional office of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) last week submitted its report recommending a detailed investigation into the affairs of the company, source in the know told. A lot of discrepancies have been found in the book of accounts which were recently inspected by Registrar of Companies (RoC), Mumbai . They were found to be in violation of certain provisions of the Companies Act. Many of the transactions relating to the fund movements are of suspicious nature which are unexplained. All this requires a thorough probe and therefore a recommendation has been made to the ministry to order an investigation into the affairs of the company, said the above cited individual. According to procedure, the recommendation has been placed before the five-member oversight committee which after deliberations will place its observations and views before the Secretary. Based on the recommendation made by the committee, the Secretary will take a final call as to whom to entrust the probe with. It could be carried either by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) or a senior official from the regional office, added the official. While allegations of money laundering isn’t probed by the agency, the investigation will surely look at if fraud was committed, if there are instances of deliberate acts of omission, concealment of facts, and submission of financial statements, certificate and other reports which were false or omitted certain material fact,added the above cited official. RoC, Mumbai is not the first agency probing the cashstrapped airline. In September last year, income-tax officials had carried out a survey at the business premises of the airline based on specific information. I-T investigation wing completed the probe recently, department insiders told. They suspect there were some irregularities in transactions between Jet Airways and its Dubai-based group companies that helped it evade taxes worth around Rs 650 crore.
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The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has directed the Centre to take action against US-based investor Ingen Capital Group LLC, its managing director and other directors for not implementing a resolution plan for Chennai-based Orchid Pharma after its proposal was selected by the Committee of Creditors (CoC) and National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) for implementation. The order comes on a plea filed by Ingen Capital against the Resolution Professional (RP) with the appellate tribunal. An NCLAT bench comprising Justice S J Mukhopadhaya and Justice Bansi Lal Bhat directed the Centre through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to take appropriate steps. If the appellant (Ingen Capital) has no office in India then the Central Government through Ministry of Corporate Affairs may take up the matter with USA, where the appellant company is situated, said the order. The appelate tribunal ordered Ingen Capital to be deposit Rs 10 lakh in favour of the CoC within 30 days. The bench observed that Ingen failed to deposit the amount at an earlier date. The tribunal in an order on February 1, 2019 issued a show cause notice to Ingen Capital directors Umesh Bhatia and Harish Bhatia as to why appropriate action be not taken against them and the NCLT, Central government and its agancies be not asked to take appropriate steps against the company and its directors and why cost not be imposed on them. With the directors not submitting a proper reply, the NCLAT in an order dated March 1, 2019, sought the investor to file show cause reply within three weeks, failing which the Appellate Tribunal may initiate a contempt proceeding against them and may issue bailable warrant of arrest. The show cause notice to the directors asked them as to why appropriate action be not taken against them and the National Company Law Tribunal, the Central Government and its agencies be not asked to take appropriate steps against the company and its directors and why cost be not imposed on them. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs was also made a respondent to the appeal. Ingen approached the NCLAT with an appeal assailing the order passed by the NCLT bench directing to deposit one third of the Rs 1,000 crore payable to secured creditors. The appellate tribunal directed it to deposit at least Rs 1,000 crore with the NCLT, Chennai, Registrar. However, Ingen's counsel said that without receiving certain documents and information it has been seeking, it will not be possible to deposit the amount. In its order on February 1, 2019, the NCLAT observed that the company does not want to give effect to the approved resolution plan and has put preconditions that weren't included in the resolution plan. Ingen had to pay the amount in 30 days and settle the banks by that time. A consortium of 24 banks has lent a total of over Rs 3,200 crore to the drug maker. With Ingen allegedly not paying the upfront money, NCLT has directed it to pay one third of the payment due to the financial creditors of the pharmaceutical company, which is around Rs 334 crore, in a fixed time-frame. It was at this point Ingen approached the NCLAT with its appeal.
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In a setback to Lanco Thermal Power Private Limited Company, the Hyderabad bench of National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) on Thursday admitted the petition filed by Andhra Bank under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) against Lanco thermal. The bank filed the petition seeking to declare the said company as insolvent as it has failed to repay Rs 150 crore loan amount According to the petitioner’s counsel K Lakshmi Narasimha, Andhra Bank has given a corporate loan of about Rs 150 crore to Lanco thermal in 2015. In spite of several reminders, the company has failed to repay any of this amount and went on dodging the issue one pretext or the other. As there was no hope that the company would ever repay the said loan amount, the bank has filed the present petition. Referring to the judgment in the case of Dharani Sugars and Chemicals Limited vs Union of India, Lakshmi Narasimha told the National Company Law Tribunal bench that the judgment would be applied to the cases where IBC proceedings were initiated by the financial creditors solely based upon the RBI circular. In the present case, the IBC proceedings were initiated independently as per the RBI circular. After hearing both sides, the tribunal bench comprising Ratakonda Murali, member judicial, rejected the contention of Lanco thermal that it was likely to revive its business and held that it was not a ground to dismiss the present case. It was a fit case to be admitted since the corporate debtor (Lanco thermal) has admitted the default and that the financial creditor has initiated these proceedings independent of RBI circular. The bench admitted the petition and appointed Praveen Bansal as interim resolution professional to carry the functions as mentioned in the IBC.
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The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has dismissed an appeal by Ramco Systems against Spicejet related to alleged non-payment of dues by the airline company for the software solutions it offered as per an agreement. The tribunal has allowed Ramco System to move before a court of competent jurisdiction for appropriate relief. The NCLAT order comes on an appeal filed by Ramco against an order passed by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), New Delhi, on December 14, 2017. The order had refused its application as an operational creditor under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, against the airline company. Upholding the NCLT order, the NCLAT bench comprising of Chairperson Justice S J Mukhopadhaya and Judicial Member Justice Bansi Lal Bhat, observed, that there is nothing on record to suggest that the invoices dated July 23, 2014 were forwarded or received by Spicejet Ltd. Therefore, the Demand Notice issued on April 24, 2017 as relates to invoice dated July 23, 2014, though it cannot bne held to be barred by limitation but in absense of specific evidence relating to invoices actually forwarded by the Appellant (Ramco Systems) and there being a doubt, we hold that the Adjudicating Authority (NCLAT) has rightly refused to entertain application under Section 9 which requires strict proof of debt and default, said the Bench. However, the order passed by the Appellate Tribunal or the NcLT will not come in the way of Ramco to move before the Court of Competent Jurisdiction for appropriate relief, said the Tribunal dismissing the appeal.
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Lenders of Jaypee Infratech on thursday sought clarifications from NBCC on various relief measures and concession proposed by the state-owned firm in its revised bid to acquire the debt-ridden realty company, sources said. The creditors' panel will meet again on May 14 to further discuss the revised bid of NBCC, they added. The Committee of Creditors (CoC) met Thursday to discuss NBCC's revised offer after it rejected the bid of Mumbai-based Suraksha Realty on May 3 through a voting under the insolvency proceedings. During the meeting, lenders and representatives of home buyers sought many clarifications from senior officials of NBCC. These queries were mainly related to relief measures and concession proposed by NBCC in its offer. NBCC was also asked how it will fund the takeover of Jaypee Infratech, sources said adding that NBCC officials answered all the queries. It was decided in the meeting that lenders will send a written query to NBCC by Friday and the public sector firm would reply by May 13. Lenders and homebuyers would meet again on May 14 to continue the discussion.
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The Insolvency and Bankmptcy Code, 2016 (Code) envisages reorganisation and insolvency resolution of corporate persons, parb.1ership firms and individuals in a time bound manner for maximisation of value of assets of such persons, to promote entrepreneurship, availability of credit and balance the interests of all stakeholders. In the two years since the enactment of the Code, the provisions relating to corporate insolvency resolution, including fast track resolution, corporate liquidation and voluntary liquidation of corporate debtors (CDs) have been operationalised .
2. Implementation of the individual insolvency and bankruptcy is intended in phased manner and accordingly at present the provisions of Part III of the Code for personal guarantors to CDs are proposed to be notified in the first phase.
3. Suggestions/ comments are invited from stakeholders for the draft Rules.
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Fortis healthcare Ltd is likely to approach the Delhi High court seeking to recover 403 crore, which was allegedly siphoned off from Fortis by its former promoters, two people aware of the matter said. The move follows an order dated 17 October by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) that directed Fortis to take necessary action to recover 403 crore along with due interest from the former promoters, Malvinder and Shivinder Singh, and various promoter companies within 90 days. With the deadline being missed, Fortis is likely to approach the court in an ongoing case by Japanese drugmaker Daiichi Sankyo Inc. Daiichi had moved the high court here seeking direction to the brothers to take steps towards paying its 3,500 crore arbitration award, including depositing the amount. It had also urged the court to attach their assets, which may be used to recover the award. In its plea, Fortis is likely to urge the court that if any direction related to payment of the award is taken, Fortis funds and the Sebi order should be kept in mind. The case is likely to be taken up on May 10. Apart from the brothers Malvinder Singh and Shivinder Singh, the Sebi order named RHC holdings, Shivi Holdings Pvt. Ltd, Malav Holdings Pvt Ltd, Religare Finvest Ltd, Best Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, Fern healthcare Pvt. Ltd and Modland Wears Pvt. Ltd. Fortis Healthcare Ltd had earlier also asked the market regulator to order the arrest of its former promoters, since they have failed to return diverted money as directed by the regulator. Since they have failed to refund the due amounts in compliance of Sebi order, an application under Section 28 A of Sebi Act has been filed, praying for recovery and directions against the entities, Ravi Rajagopal, Fortis chairman, had told. Rajagopal had said that Sebi’s investigations had found that the monies went to entities related to the former promoters. Sebi has meanwhile been doing its own investigations and they came out with their orders in October last year where they went beyond our investigation because they have the right to call for information, they have forensic capability and they tracked the ultimate destination of those monies and clearly established that it was the former promoter-related entities that were responsible for the monies and, therefore, those monies were owed back by the former promoters and their related entities, he added.
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The Supreme Court-appointed forensic auditor told the court on Thursday that Unitech diverted more than Rs 1,500 crore of homebuyers’ money for purposes other than construction of housing projects and said the group and its officials were not cooperating with the audit. Placing a preliminary report before a bench of Justices D Y Chandrachud and M R Shah, the auditor said it had examined 71 out of 74 projects of Unitech group for which Rs 14,000 crore was raised from homebuyers and traced the investment of Rs 12,000 crore by the company. The report said over Rs 1,500 crore was spent by the group to acquire land and for other purposes. It also said advance of Rs 600 crore was given to some people seven years ago but the money had not come back to the company. It also said it was not able to make any headway in finding the trail of diverted money as the group was not providing documents and bank statements. Expressing displeasure over Unitech’s non-cooperation with the forensic auditor, the bench said, We will be left with no option but to hand over the probe to CBI. Without data we cannot get to the bottom of this. Senior advocate Pinaki Misra contested the auditor’s preliminary findings and said there was nothing wrong in investing money to purchase land for other housing projects. It is a business model followed in the sector, he said. The bench, however, was not satisfied and directed that special facilities provided to Unitech’s jailed promoters Sanjay and Ajay Chandra to enable them to hold negotiations within the jail premises to sell assets be withdrawn forthwith and they be treated as ordinary prisoners. The court also granted a last opportunity to the group to provide all relevant documents and bank statements to the forensic auditor within two weeks. Unitech group is developing 74 housing projects and around 17,000 homebuyers have invested in the projects. Due to financial crisis, the group has not been able to complete the projects. It’s managing director Sanjay Chandra and his brother Ajay Chandra have been in jail since August 2017 after being arrested by the Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police for not handing over flats to buyers despite collecting money. The case was registered against them by aggrieved homebuyers.
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The National Company Law Tribunal Thursday allowed Reliance Communications (RCom) to exclude the 357 days spent in litigation and admitted it for insolvency. With this, RCom, which owes over Rs 50,000 crore to banks, has become the first Anil Ambani group company to be officially declared bankrupt after the NCLT Thursday superseded its board and appointed a new resolution professional to run it and also allow the SBI-led consortium of 31 banks to form a committee of creditors. At the last hearing, Rcom, through the existing resolution professional, had sought 357 days (from May 30, 2018 to April 30, 2019) exclusion in the insolvency process citing the stays it had on the process by the appellate tribunal and the Supreme Court. The RP sought the exclusion from May 30, 2018 to April 30, 2019 as the initial insolvency proceedings was stayed by the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) and later by the apex court. A bench comprising VP Singh and R Duraisamy said the matter should proceed in a manner of law and in view of the guidelines, the tribunal grants the exclusion of time for Reliance Infratel and Reliance Telecom along with RCom.
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The Supreme Court on Thursday asked the government to look into the possibility of it taking over the Unitech Group and complete the pending housing projects to protect the interest of home buyers. A two-judge bench headed by Justice DY Chandrachud said it would like to hear Attorney General KK Venugopal's views in the matter. The government could look at the possibility of completing these housing projects, which would be a relief for home buyers, who had invested their hard-earned savings into it. The court’s order came a day after its another on Wednesday said that ownership of Amrapali group in its various housing projects would taken away and would be handed over to Noida and Greater Noida authorities which will complete construction and hand over possession to buyers.
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The Bench of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) here has ordered the liquidation of debt-ridden pharmaceutical company Sterling Biotech. This is a setback for its lenders. They were hoping they could withdraw the insolvency proceedings and accept a one-time settlement (OTS) offer from the promoters. The tribunal had reservations on this. It also felt that by accepting a withdrawal of insolvency proceedings (under Section 12A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code), the company would essentially revert to the promoters, who are absconding and been declared as wilful defaulters. Section 29A of the Code prohibits promoters of a defaulting company from bidding for it. The committee of creditors (CoC) had approved of the promoters' OTS offer by a 90 per cent majority. The promoters had offered to pay Rs3,945 crore; of this, they'd paid Rs179 crore. The company owes Rs8,100 crore to the banks; Sterling Group itself owes Rs15,000 crore. The other group company, Sterling SEZ, has also gone into liquidation. However, only 89 per cent of the lenders were for accepting it; 90 per cent is required. The resolution professional (RP) appointed for the case did not inform the NCLT about this and the tribunal had rebuked him. After 90 per cent approval came for the second OTS, the lenders applied to withdraw the bankruptcy proceedings. However, Madison Pacific Trust, one of the lenders, challenged this, saying it held over 10 per cent voting right in the CoC and its consent was not sought by the RP. The tribunal had then sought views from the Government of India, Enforcement Directorate, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), Reserve Bank of India and the Central Bureau of Investigation. The government agencies had objected to the OTS offer, RBI was neutral and Sebi was for acceptance.
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Following the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) directive, Reliance Communications (RCom) on Wednesday informed the stock exchanges that the administration of the corporate debtor would be taken over by the interim resolution professional (RP) and the corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP) would resume. The powers of the board of directors or the partners of the corporate debtor, as the case may be, shall stand suspended and be exercised by the interim resolution professional, the company said in the filing. The NCLT has also directed the interim RP to file a progress report of the CIRP. The next hearing is on May 30.
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Hong Kong-based SSG Capital Management moved the NCLT on Wednesday pleading that its plan for the distressed Uttam Galva companies was not considered by lenders that voted for US-based CarVal’s plan for the assets. We have been rejected on the grounds that CarVal has been shortlisted and they (lenders) refused to consider our offer, the counsel representing SSG told the bench. Our grievance is not that the evaluation matrix concluded that their offer was superior to mine but that they refused to consider our offer, he said. The counsel also claimed that SSG’s offer was better than CarVal’s. SSG, along with Synergy Metals and Mining Fund and ART Special Situations Fund, offered an upfront payment of Rs 1,000 crore, while Car-Val’s upfront offer was Rs 625 crore. The counsel for CarVal argued that it had also committed an unconditional amount of Rs 1,200 crore while SSG Capital was depending entirely on recoveries and receivables to pay the remaining amount apart from the upfront amount. It is uncertain whether the recoveries will be made, he added. My offer of Rs 1,825 crore with Rs 625 crore will be better by any standard to an offer of Rs 1,000 crore, said the counsel for CarVal. State Bank of India had also said that SSG had failed to submit satisfactory bids after multiple opportunities and was trying to disrupt the process at the last stage by bringing in a bid after a successful bidder was shortlisted. 84% of the CoC had voted in favour of the plan. Bank of Baroda had said that there were deferred payments proposed in the SSG plan too and since both were to be made from the earnings of the company, fundamentally, the upfront payment was the clincher.
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Metro Rail Corporation Ltd has moved a petition before the High Court here stating that it is passing through ‘great financial crunch’ at Nagpur, and hence seeking release of bank guarantees from four banks. As the petitioner’s counsel stated that it was necessary that its petition seeking the release of bank guarantees should be decided at the earliest, Justice S B Shukre and Justice Pushpa Ganediwala agreed to hear the petition for final disposal on June 10 next. A statement was made before the court on behalf of the respondent-banks Axis Bank, Mumbai; State Bank, Allahabad Bank, and ICICI Bank (all three based at Hyderabad), that their case was heard by National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) and its present view was that it would decide first the issue of jurisdiction of NCLAT regarding grant of interim direction and that might happen on or about May 23 next. The Court reminded that in its earlier order, it had made clear that if no decision in respect of sweep of the general stay order passed by NCLAT in the matter was taken by the Tribunal, the High Court would undertake the task of interpreting the effect of that order and pass an appropriate order in this case. S K Mishra urged on behalf of the petitioner that enough was enough and, therefore, this petition be heard finally and disposed of on merit. The Court stated in its order that it understood the anxiety of the petitioner and in fact, the Court also understood that the same anxiety was shared by all the parties before the Court. At the same time, according to the Court, another dimension involved in this petition is regarding crystallisation of the view of NCLAT in the matter. Of course, if the view is not crystallised by it, the High Court would no longer remain under fetters and will take the call on the issue independently.
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Religare Finvest Limited (RFL) failed to pay installment of principal amount on its loans in April and has proposed a debt resolution plan (RP) to banks, according to a statement Wednesday. The Religare group company has been going through difficult times in the recent past on account of mismanagement and misappropriation of funds orchestrated by the erstwhile promoters, RFL said in a release. This has resulted in the RBI putting RFL under a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) in January 2018. However, given the inherent asset-liability mismatch, RFL has proposed a debt resolution plan (RP) to streamline its liability profile, it said, adding that the reference date for the RP is April 1, 2019. The banks are in the process of seeking internal approval for the RP, it added. As per the RP from the reference date, RFL is in a standstill arrangement and is required to service only interest. The principal installments will be restructured to align with asset maturity profile. In line with this RP, RFL did not pay the banks the principal installments falling due during April 2019, the non-banking financial company said. However, RFL said it had adequate funds from its operations to meet the April installment. RFL said despite the RBI action, it has made principal repayments and interest payments of over Rs 4,400 crore till end of March 2019 and banks and financial institutions were kept current by that time. Further, it said the rating agencies have considered non-payment of the April principal installment as a technical default and downgraded its rating to D (ICRA: from BB to D, Fitch: Long term loans - from B+ to D and Tier 2 - from B+ to C). As a part of RP, banks have separately appointed two rating agencies for rating the entire RP and the same would be applicable once the plan is implemented. The operations and financial position of the other group companies, Religare Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited and Religare Broking Limited are not affected by the impact of this development in RFL and both are current with all the banks, without any delay in debt servicing, it said.
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The government is set to provide relief to thousands of homebuyers and bankrupt builders awaiting rescue by preparing a clarification on passing bankruptcy resolutions that are stalled because many homebuyers did not vote. This follows a reference from the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) to the ministry of corporate affairs in the Jaypee Infratech Ltd case, where the panel of creditors dominated by homebuyers could not clear a rescue plan from a Suraksha Realty Ltd-led consortium as many homebuyers stayed away. We are exploring all options by simulating various scenarios. The decision will be communicated to NCLT, said Injeti Srinivas. The government will also assess if reinterpreting voting rights needs an amendment to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. The move will stop resolution plans from being rejected because a large number of homebuyers, who could be benami holders or those unaware of the consequences of not asserting their rights, do not cast their votes. Homebuyers have 58% voting share in the panel of creditors of Jaypee Infratech, as they were the biggest source of funds for the firm more than lenders and deposit holders. In such a case, homebuyers not voting en masse makes it impossible for the panel of creditors to clear resolution plans, which require favourable votes from 66% of the creditors by value. The absenteeism by homebuyers has led to nine out of 10 proposals discussed by Jaypee Infratech’s panel of creditors being rejected, according to documents available on NCLT’s website. Srinivas said the ministry was in the process of consulting the insolvency law committee attached to it that consists of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India chairperson M.S. Sahoo and outside experts. Policymakers want to make sure every effort is made to rescue bankrupt companies from slipping into liquidation.
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The Registrar of Companies (Mumbai) has submitted the inspection report of the beleaguered Jet Airways' books to the Corporate Affairs Ministry which will shortly start examining the details Action will be based on the inspection report of Jet Airways' books, a ministry source said. The regional directorate of Mumbai initiated inspection of the books eight months after the Ministry directed it for such a probe to ascertain if there was any diversion of funds.vThe RoC's inspection of a company's books is akin to a preliminary fact-finding exercise which could lay the ground for further investigation. In the Jet Airways case, the RoC stepped in last August after the company deferred its first quarter FY19 results.
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Loan exposure worth Rs 12,000 crore of almost 55 green companies of crisis-hit IL&FS group is likely to be settled by July end a senior government official said as he asserted that the resolution process is on track. Besides, many of the green companies have positive equity which means that after settling debt obligations, shareholders would get something in return for their equity stake, Injeti Srinivas said. Srinivas said the IL&FS resolution process is on track and expects to reach some kind of conclusion in a time-bound manner. There are almost 55 companies in the green category and they have a loan exposure of about Rs 12,000 crore. Ten out of the 55 companies account for nearly 90 per cent of the loan exposure, he noted. In the green category, the major focus is on settling dues with respect to those ten large companies. If the dues of the ten companies can be settled, then 90 per cent of the Rs 12,000 crore can be settled. By July end, we will be aspiring to settle the debt of green companies, which is around Rs 12,000 crore, he said. Srinivas also said there are a few cases where creditors are willing to restructure the entire loan to make 'amber' assets green. We are open to that. If they can be made into green, then around Rs 2,000 to 4,000 crore of debt may shift from amber to green, he noted. The amber companies have debt obligations worth around Rs 20,000 crore and since there is a moratorium, the dues of these firms are not being paid yet. We are not paying the dues yet, which is being heavily contested in NCLAT by the creditors. If the secured creditors want distribution of available funds before final resolution, they would have to file their final claims. The interim payments made prior to resolution of the corporate debtor, would automatically get adjusted against the final claim, Srinivas said. Noting that the issue is the distribution ratio between secured and unsecured creditors, he said one option could be that senior creditors get precedence and the residual amount would go to unsecured creditors. Another option could be pro-rata across the board And yet another option could be a pre-determined ratio like, say 85 per cent of the funds get earmarked for the secured creditors and the remaining 15 per cent to be shared by unsecured creditors. This matter would be adjudicated by the NCLAT at the next hearing. We will submit a scheme with a few options, Srinivas said. Though it is not in IBC, we keep those time frames in mind and try our best to be well within those time frames. The 270 days deadline is fast approaching and we have another 90 to 100 days to reach that. The way we are planning we should be able to achieve quite a bit by then and a significant portion would have been resolved, Srinivas noted.
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Realty firm Jaypee Infratech's Interim Resolution Professional (IRP) has opined that state-owned NBCC's revised bid was conditional and non-binding which ran contrary to terms of the insolvency proceedings, sources said. The Committee of Creditors (CoC) is scheduled to meet on Thursday (May 9) to discuss NBCC's revised offer to acquire debt-laden Jaypee Infratech. The public sector unit has proposed infusion of Rs 200 crore equity capital, transfer of 950 acres of land worth Rs 5,000 crore to banks and completing construction of flats by July 2023 to settle an outstanding claim of Rs 23,723 crore of financial creditors. NBCC has put several conditions for the implementation of its plan, including a demand to extinguish an estimated income-tax liability of Rs 33,000 crore over a period of 30 years arising out of the transfer of land parcels from Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) to Jaypee Group. The IRP Anuj Jain has written to the CoC that NBCC's revised bid is conditional as the state-owned firm has stated that the plan will not be binding on it unless key reliefs such as extinguishing of income tax liability and a dispensation from seeking consent of YEIDA for any business transfer is granted, sources said. The court-mandated deadline for completing the resolution plan for Japyee Infratech ended on May 6 and the CoC has sought an extension of the deadline. The Allahabad bench of the NCLT has posted the matter for hearing on May 21.
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The Supreme Court on Wednesday said that it may give ownership rights of all the 15 prime residential properties of embattled Amrapali Group to Noida and Greater Noida Authorities as it has failed to fulfil its obligations towards 42,000 hassled home buyers. The top court said that Amrapali Group by its own admission took Rs 11,652 crore from home buyers and invested only Rs 10,630 crore from it for construction of the residential projects. It also questioned how Amrapali Group could mortgage the entire projects and secure loan worth thousands of crores of rupees from banks when it was only an agent to develop the property. A bench of justices Arun Mishra and U U Lalit said that it would protect the rights of thousands of home buyers and push the Amrapali Group out of the projects. We see that entire Amrapali Group has failed to discharge its duties towards home buyers, authorities (Noida and Greater Noida) and banks. You (Amrapali Group) have neither completed any projects nor invested any money in the projects. We think, you are the one who should be thrown out of these properties. We will vest the rights of these properties with the Noida and Greater Noida, the bench said. It said that Noida and Greater Noida can then be asked to engage any builder or developer to finish the stalled projects and sell the properties under their supervision. We may throw you out from these properties and transfer its lock, stock and barrel to Noida and Greater Noida. The loans which have been secured by Amrapali Group by mortgaging the lands to the banks can be collected by the financial institutions from the directors of the company or the corporate guarantors. We will ensure that banks do not enter the premises of these properties and home buyers get the first charge on the properties, the bench said. The top court asked the counsel for Noida and Greater Noida authorities to compile all necessary data as how much money has been paid by Amrapali Group till now, what is the principal lease amount and interest component project wise and how much was the land given to the group. Gaurav Bhatia, appearing for Amrapali said that the group has till now paid Rs 998 crore to both the authorities and Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) Act protects the rights of the developer. He said that Rs 11,652 crore were collected from the home buyers and Rs 10,630 crore were used for construction of various projects besides paying Rs 998 crore to the authorities as lease amount. The bench asked Bhatia to explain the income taxes paid by a Group company--Stunning Construction Pvt Ltd-- of CMD Anil Kumar Sharma and other directors saying that tax liability of directors cannot be cleared from company's fund. Bhatia claimed that Sharma has returned Rs 5.5 crore which was paid for his income tax from the accounts of Stunning Construction while the other director Shiva Priya has said that Rs 4.3 crore tax liability paid was later adjusted towards his salary dues from the Amrapali Group. You file an affidavit and give us each and every detail when was your income tax paid for which assessment year and when was that money paid back. Show us the transaction. Give all details of the salary or emoluments given to the directors of the company. If any facts and figures are wrong, we will severely haul them up, the bench warned. It posted the matter for further hearing on May 10.
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Pilots of grounded Jet Airways moved the Supreme Court Tuesday seeking direction to SBI to provide the assured interim finance for restarting operations, suspension of which has affected the livelihood of around 22,000 employees. The petition filed by National Aviators Guild has sought a direction to the Centre and the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to disallow slots of Jet Airways to other airlines on permanent basis. The plea, filed by advocate Gaurav Agrawal, has sought that the airline should not get deregistered. The distressed airlines, which had 115 aircraft, started suffering losses and could not pay the employees from last December. It said that SBI's decision not to infuse money was responsible for the operations of the airlines coming to stop and its substantial devaluation. The respondents have deliberately, or otherwise brought down the value of Jet Airways and as of now there are no bidders who have submitted the bid to SBI. Consequently the employees of Jet Airwyas have not been paid for last four months and have lost all hope of the revival of the airlines, the plea said. It said the Centre, DGCA, Airports Authority of India and others have failed to appreciate the value of company which lies in the flight slots and the seats available in the international sector through various bilateral agreements. The petition said that such acts of the Centre and DGCA were highly prejudicial to employees of the company who have been waiting to get paid for last five months and have been looking forward to the resolution in bid process. If the value of the company is deliberately undermined, the future of the employees would be at stake as there would be hardly any bidder who would be willing to take up share in the company, the plea said.
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IL&FS Securities Services (ISS) Wednesday moved the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) to direct markets regulator Sebi to annul certain transactions carried out by Allied Financial Services. In February, Sebi had barred Allied Financial and others for misappropriating client securities and a host of other violations. Appearing for IL&FS Securities counsel Gaurav Joshi said there were fraudulent mutual fund transfers carried out by Allied on behalf of its clients Dalmia Cement and OCL India, among others where it was the clearinghouse. He sought SAT's intervention to direct Sebi to annul the said transaction, apart from de-freezing of securities which are stuck following the Sebi order. The Sebi had probed the alleged irregularities at Allied, pursuant to a preliminary inspection by the NSE had found non-availability of client funds worth Rs 94 crore, non-availability of client securities, non-settlement of inactive clients and non-segregation of the transaction between own and client bank accounts. Rafique Dada said the said requests are untenable, citing provisions in the statutes dealing with contracts, and also informed that OCL and Dalmia have approached the Delhi High Court with a similar prayer for de-freezing certain securities. A SAT bench comprising Tarun Agarwala, CKG Nair and MT Joshi reserved the order for May 15.
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Foreign portfolio investors can now invest in municipal bonds, markets regulator Sebi said in a circular Wednesday. The circular comes almost two weeks after the Reserve Bank of India permitted FPIs to invest in municipal bonds as a measure to broaden access of nonresident investors to debt instruments in the country. As per the RBI, foreign investment in municipal bonds should be within the limits set for FPI investment in State Development Loans (SDLs). The limits for FPI investment in SDLs is 2 per cent of outstanding stock of securities. All other existing conditions for investment by FPIs in the debt market remain unchanged, the central bank had said in a circular on April 25.
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The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has sought a clarification from Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) and its Managing Director Murugank Paranjape, on the issue of preferential access to price feeds to Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR). SEBI sought this clarification based on findings of the forensic audit report recently submitted by an audit firm, TR Chadha and Company. A source close to the development told IGIDR used MCX data for developing algo strategy. Another source said, MCX did not give live data to IGIDR. It is alleged that IGIDR passed on the data from MCX to a broker, who could use it to create algo strategy for trading. It has been debated if MCX should have shared the data with IGIDR. Another source in SEBI told, We will make a foolproof case. A former SEBI official told, After National Stock Exchange episode, no one wants to shut the case before a proper inquiry, as investigation agencies can open the cases after a few years and then blame regulatory officials also. Also, when the names of Ajay Shah and IGIDR came up in this case, the regulator became more cautious.
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The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Wednesday allowed Magadh Stock Exchange to exit the stock bourse business The regulator said that Magadh Stock Exchange (MSE) has substantially complied with the exit conditions laid down by it and therefore, it is a fit case to allow MSE to exit which will also enable the exchange to liquidate its assets post exit and to pay the outstanding dues. It is observed that all the known liabilities have been brought out and that there is no future liability that is not known as on date, Sebi said in an exit order. Besides, it is noted that MSE has no outstanding dues to Sebi pertaining to 10 per cent of the listing fee and the annual regulatory fee, the regulator said.
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The rating agencies have once again come under the scanner of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi). This time the market regulator wants to know on what basis the rating agencies are rating mutual fund's (MF) debt schemes with exposure to papers that are backed by promoter shares, also known as loan against shares (LAS). According to people in the know, the regulator also wants to understand how rating agencies are re-valuing LAS instruments when there are sharp correction in pledged equity shares, hitting the share cover of these structures. Sources say that the LAS exposures have come under the regulatory scanner after most MFs entered into 'standstill' agreement with Essel group promoters. As per the agreement, the MFs and other lenders would not sell the pledged shares of the promoters as promoters sought time till September to repay the loans. In normal circumstances, a lender has the right to sell pledged shares to recover its dues. Exercising this right, Reliance MF on Wednesday sold pledged shares of Essel promoters, recovering over Rs 400 crore of dues, sources said. Meanwhile, most other fund houses with exposures to the LAS structures of Essel group had reached the understanding with the promoters, stating that sell of pledged shares could lead to 'sub-optimal' recovery. A panic-sell of pledged shares en masse could lead to sharp correction in market value of these shares, said a fund manager, requesting anonymity.
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The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has granted interim relief to academic Ajay Shah, along with his sister-in-law Sunita Thomas and brother-in-law, banned by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) from being associated with the securities market for misusing data from the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) for commercial gains in the co-location case. In an order published on SAT's website on Wednesday, the tribunal held that the alleged violation took place almost a decade back Prima-facie, at this stage, we are of the opinion that the alleged violation, if any, was in the year 2009. More than 10 years have elapsed and the appellants were associated with the market during this period and no compliant on any other score has been found against them, said Justice Tarun Agarwala. SEBI had held that Shah, along with his sister-in-law and an NSE official, have collusively worked to fulfil their commercial goals by fraudulently using the data that was obtained by them from NSE to develop algo-trading software and products. This trading software was used for sale to market participants for dealing in securities market. Some of these products were allegedly used by some firms for unfair access to NSE’s systems. NSE had engaged the services of Infotech Financial Services Pvt Ltd to build a liquidity index or LIX. This project, according to Sebi’s 40-page order, involved inherent conflict of interest. Shah in his appeal had argued that he was on several committees and continuing the directions in the SEBI order would lead to his removal. He would be removed from these committees and that his reputation as a Financial Advisor would take a bashing, Shah's counsel told SAT. While passing the order granting interim relief, SAT said the data which is alleged to have been used by the appellants (Infotech and others) for preparation of Algo trading software was explained by NSE to be in the public domain in related proceedings made against NSE. Taking these points into consideration SAT granted interim relief to Ajay Shah, Sunita Thomas, Suprabhat Lala and Infotech Financial Services Pvt Ltd. SAT has given SEBI six weeks to file a reply.
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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is working on its disclosure policy under the Right to Information Act (RTI), and will release an updated version in a few weeks, possibly after the election results. The central bank had, on April 30, updated its disclosure policy on its website to reflect the omission of certain clauses. These had been deemed objectionable by the Supreme Court in its April 24 ruling, through which it gave the RBI a ‘last opportunity’ to make public its confidential reports on banks, shared earlier only with the management. A comparison with the cached webpage of the RBI’s disclosure policy shows that the central bank had essentially deleted section 8(1) (a) and section 8(1) (d) — which talk about affecting the sovereignty and integrity of India, and impacting third party interests — from its purview. Except for these two sections and the mention of a ‘disinvestment’ proposal, the two disclosure policies were near-identical. This is just removing a few sensitive clauses that the Supreme Court had found objectionable. This is in no way a finished product. We will come up with the updated policy in a manner that won’t contravene the Supreme Court order and also ensure that the RBI is not on the wrong side of law, said a senior official of the central bank. However, it is unlikely that it will come up with the policy before the election results are declared, given its sensitive nature. Section 8(1)(a) of the RTI Act 2005 regards information, disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offence. Section 8(1)(d) regards information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property, the disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of a third party, unless the competent authority is satisfied that larger public interest warrants the disclosure of such information. The Supreme Court had observed that issues of national economic interest; disclosure of information regarding currency or exchange rates/interest rates/ taxes; regulation or supervision of banking, insurance and other financial institutions; proposals for expenditure or borrowing, and foreign investments, could all, in some cases, harm the national economy, especially if released prematurely. However, lower-level economic and financial information such as contracts and departmental budgets should not be withheld under this exemption, according to this Court in the judgment dated 16.12.2015, said the Supreme Court ruling. The RBI had wished to withhold information under Section 8(1) of the RTI Act, regarding inspection/supervisory/scrutiny reports of banks/Financial Institutions (FIs). Any information derived from these reports or contained in such reports, and supervisory action taken thereon. The RBI’s rationale for not disclosing the sensitive scrutiny report was that these constituted advisory to the bank management for them to work on their weakness. Divulging the information to public might lead to a run on banks even when the issue is temporary in nature. Besides, by making the information public, the RBI would be divulging a lot of information about the clients with whom the banks are bound by client confidentiality agreements. However, the Supreme Court — first in its 2015 ruling, and then in the 2019 ruling — had found that the regulator had no such relationship with banks.
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Raghuram Rajan is moving up in the race to be the next Bank of England governor However, Dr Rajan had last year said that he did not intend to apply for the job of Bank of England governor. I have a very good job at the University of Chicago and I actually am an academic, not a professional central banker. I am very happy where I am, Rajan told reporters after an event in London last year.
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In a call with analysts on Tuesday, the management said Jet Airways was classified as non-performing asset (NPA) in the fourth quarter of 2018-19. However they clarified that the bank had made sufficient provisions against the same. In addition, the bank also classified the fund-based exposure of 276 crore towards Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) as NPA and made a provision of 146 crore against the same. The management also said that it expects some slippages in the kisaan credit card portfolio, which forms 3% of the total loan book.
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BSE Limited (earlier known as Bombay Stock Exchange) plans to buy back its fully paid up equity shares of Rs 2 each at Rs 680 per equity share through tender offer route. The total amount of buyback size will be a maximum of Rs 460 crore. The company proposes to buy back 67.64 lakh equity shares an offer price, representing 13.06 per cent of the total paid-up equity capital. The buyback offer size represents 24.73 per cent of aggregate of the total paid up capital and free reserves. Meanwhile, BSE reported standalone net profit of Rs 201.05 crore during 2018-19. The operating earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) was Rs 25.32 crore as per standalone results. The board recommended payment of dividend of Rs 25 per equity share of face value of Rs 2 each. After taking into account the interim dividend of Rs 5 per share paid in the month of December 2018, the total dividend for the financial year stands at Rs 30 per equity share of face value of Rs 2 each. The dividend payout ratio is 97 per cent. The record date for determining eligibility for the final dividend is June 28 and the payment will be made on or before August 13.
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Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has requested stock exchanges to consider placing a limit on sectoral weightage in benchmark indices. SEBI is concerned about the financial sector’s increasing weight in benchmark indices since financial stocks dropped post the loan default by Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS). As per the report, the financial sector currently has a 37 percent weightage in the Nifty and over 30 percent weightage in the Sensex. As a regulator, it (SEBI) wants to ensure the market doesn’t become too vulnerable to the performance of one particular sector, the article qouted a a source as saying. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) and BSE had last week floated consultation papers for feedback on whether sectoral weightage should be capped as low as 25 percent.They have set May 31 and May 17, respectively, as deadline for the feedback. The two exchanges will provide combined feedback to the market regulator, the report said. Currently, a single stock’s weight has been restricted at 35 percent in a sectoral index and 25 percent in broader indices. The top three stocks in an index cannot have a weightage of over 65 percent. Index provider Asia Index, a joint venture between the S&P Dow Jones and BSE, has written to SEBI expressing its views, the report said. Asia Index said that such a move would alter the index’s liquidity profile and have implications for the wider economy.
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The Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has stayed the ban imposed by market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on academic Ajay Shah, Suprabhat Lala and algo software developer Infotech Financials and its two directors Sunita Thomas and Krishna Dagli. In an order passed on April 30, Sebi charged these individuals and Infotech (the five appellants) for misuse of exchange data for commercial gains. Prima-facie, at this stage, we are of the opinion that the alleged violation, if any, was in the year 2009. More than 10 years have elapsed and the appellants were associated with the market during this period and no compliant on any other score has been found against them. We also find that the data which is alleged to have been used by the appellants for preparation of algo trading software was explained by NSE to be in the public domain in related proceedings made against NSE, SAT said in an order uploaded on its website. The tribunal has given Sebi six weeks to respond, following which the appellants will be given three weeks to submit their rejoinders. SAT will next hear the matter on July 22. In the April 30 order, Sebi alleged that the five appellants while developing the so-called Liquidity Index (LIX) obtained confidential data from NSE which they deployed for preparing an algo trading software and used it for programming trading strategies. Sebi said the confidential data was meant only for developing the Lix index. Janak Dwarkadas and Shyam Mehta, who represented the appellants, argued before SAT that the data provided by NSE was only a historical data which had no relevance for future trading. They also said the data was not confidential as it was already in public domain. The counsels also argued that even though the data was used for developing the algo trading software, no confidentiality clause was violated as the data was in the public domain and accessible to all. The counsels also argued that if the Sebi order is allowed to stand during the pendency of the appeal, it will put an irreparable loss and harm to the appellant’s business. SAT is likely to hear the matter on May 14.
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Rating agency Icra on Thursday said market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had initiated adjudication proceedings against the company over rating assigned to a client. The rating agency also said that its board had appointed external experts to look into an anonymous representation forwarded to the company by the market regulator. The company said it had made provisions in light of these two issues. Based on the work done till date, the company has made provision on a prudent basis with regards to the adjudication proceedings, while, apropos the representation, no findings have yet been identified. The company will consider the implications, if any, in due course, upon completion of these matters, said Icra in a filing to BSE. According to reports, Sebi has initiated action three rating agencies, including Icra, for their role in the IL&FS crsis.
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Fintech, long a buzzword in banking, has reached the shores of insurance companies who are lobbying the regulator to have a bigger say in stake holding. Insurance companies want to own and nurture startups with 100% stake from the current 10% cap the regulator has put on holding. We want to buy all 100% in InsurTech companies, which align with our business, said Prashant Tripathy. We, as an industry, have made a presentation to Irdai to allow us to own 100% in these companies. Many insurance companies still rely on legacy software. Lately, though, they have dedicated teams to monitor new technologies to be able to understand their true potential for disruption and are keen to invest in technology companies that they perceive can disrupt the insurance industry. Companies in the insurance innovation space are focused on building digital platforms, which are aggregators and robo advisors using machine learning and usage-based selling. Insurers are using technology that aids fraud detection at the point of underwriting and also for assessing risk — for example, the use of wearables in the context of ‘diagnostics’ for better underwriting. There are a dozen insurance aggregators that help customers compare policy features and assist in buying. Others use sensors that stick to the skin and are used for fitness monitoring, glucose level monitoring to track health.
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Mortgage lender HDFC has put up crisis-hit Jet Airways' office space for sale with a reserve price of Rs 245 crore” as part of efforts to recover outstanding dues. Jet Airways, which temporarily shuttered operations on April 17, owes around Rs 414 crore to HDFC. The borrower (Jet Airways) has failed to repay the amount (Rs 414.80 crore) due to HDFC Ltd. Accordingly, HDFC Ltd has become entitled to enforce its mortgage over the immovable property, it said in a public notice. As part of a resolution plan, State Bank of India-led consortium of domestic lenders have sought bids for stake sale in the airline. Four entities -- Etihad Airways, TPG Capital, Indigo Partners and National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) -- are learnt to have shown interest in picking up stake in Jet Airways. The details of the bidders are expected to be known on Friday.
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The assets under management of the mutual fund industry increased four per cent last month to Rs 24.78 lakh crore against Rs 23.79 lakh crore logged in March, due largely to inflows into liquid and ultra-short duration funds. Liquid funds saw an inflow of Rs 89,778 crore, while inflows into ultra-short duration funds was Rs 11,000 crore, according to data released by the Association of Mutual Funds in India on Thursday. Inflows into equity schemes was down 60 per cent at Rs 4,609 crore, from Rs 11,576 crore logged in March, due to sharp volatility in the market and a series of corporate rating downgrades. The Equity AUM was down 12 per cent at Rs 7.37 lakh crore from Rs 8.40 lakh crore in March. Inflows into equity linked savings schemes was down to Rs 458 crore from Rs 2,742 crore, leading to a sharp drop in equity assets. N.S. Venkatesh, said some of the AUM data announced for April cannot be compared with that of March as it had regrouped and reclassified certain schemes to report data in line with the new format prescribed by SEBI. Retail AUM increased marginally by two per cent to Rs 10.90 lakh crore from Rs 10.72 lakh crore logged in March. Inflows through systematic investment plans was up two per cent at Rs 8,238 crore (Rs 8,055 crore) with the addition of 3.62 lakh folios. Fixed maturity plans, which have been in the limelight for all the wrong reasons, witnessed an outflow of Rs 17,600 crore. Mutual funds have forced FMP investors to either extend their maturity period or wait endlessly for returns.
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Reliance Industries has acquired British toy retailer Hamleys, the energy-to-telecoms conglomerate said on Thursday. Reliance Industries, which runs the world's biggest single-location crude oil refinery in western India, has been gradually transforming itself into a consumer-facing behemoth through its retail and telecoms ventures. Through its Reliance Brands subsidiary, the company signed an agreement to buy Hamleys from Hong Kong-listed C Banner International Holdings. Reliance did not disclose the price, but in 2015 C Banner had bought it for 100 million pounds ($130.2 million) from France's Groupe Ludendo. The acquisition marks the first foray of billionaire Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries in an overseas retail brand. The worldwide acquisition of the iconic Hamleys brand and business places Reliance into the frontline of global retail, said Darshan Mehta.
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HCL Technologies (HCLT) on Thursday surpassed Wipro to become the third-largest IT services firm in India in 2018-19, making the first change in the pecking order of the country’s $170-billion IT outsourcing industry in the last seven years. The Noida-based IT services firm announced its revenues touched $8.63 billion in the last financial year, a rise of 10 per cent over the previous financial year. In constant currency terms, the rise was 11.8 per cent. Wipro, in comparison, posted IT services revenues of $8.12 billion, up 3.8 per cent over the preceding financial year. Revenues in the fourth quarter were Rs 15,990 crore, a rise of 21.3 per cent YoY and 1.9 per cent sequentially. The operating margin of the company, however, dropped 70 basis points to 18.9 per cent in the March quarter as compared to 19.6 per cent in the preceding quarter. On the back of a robust deal pipeline, the IT services firm gave a guidance for 14-16 per cent growth in revenues for FY20, making it the firm with the most optimistic outlook for this fiscal. In comparison, the TCS management said the firm was hopeful of posting double-digit revenue growth in FY20, while Infosys has guided for a 7.5-9.5 per cent rise in the top line.
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Larsen and Toubro (L&T) has acquired another 2 per cent stake in Mindtree by purchasing shares from the open market, taking its overall holding in the mid-sized IT company to 25.93 per cent, according to a regulatory filing. This is to inform you that, Larsen and Toubro Ltd has acquired 33,05,775 equity shares (with face value of Rs 10 each) of Mindtree Ltd, since its last disclosure...made on May 8, 2019, L&T said in a filing. The mode of the acquisition was open market purchases and L&T's holding after the said purchase stood at 25.93 per cent, compared to 23.92 per cent prior to the transaction, another filing said.
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Mutual fund investments in commercial paper and bonds that mature within 90 days dropped to 3.24 trillion rupees ($46.5 billion) at the end of March, the lowest in six quarters, data from the securities regulator show. The fallout from shock defaults last year by IL&FS Group continues to make it more difficult and costlier for companies in the sector, particularly weaker players, to access funding. India’s non-bank lenders are selling stakes or raising funds by disposals or securitizations of more loans as the central bank steps in to provide greater liquidity to squeezed credit markets. Rating cuts on debt instruments of lenders including Dewan Housing Finance Corp. and companies in Anil Ambani-led Reliance group in recent months have added to concerns. Mutual funds’ decision to reduce exposure to non-bank lenders and housing finance companies could be attributed to a marked reduction in credit flows to select lenders, and investor concerns on the recent spate of credit downgrades, said Dhawal Dalal. The funds have cut their exposure to non-bank lenders’ debt to 27 percent of assets under management as of the end of March from about 34 percent last September, Dalal said. This could fall toward 25 percent in the near-term, he said. A liquidity crisis forced non-bank lenders and housing finance companies to rely heavily on selling down loans for funds in the year ended March, according to rating company ICRA Ltd. While interventions by the Reserve Bank of India are helping Indian credit markets regain some normalcy, a focus by investors on top-rated non-bank financier debt holds risks for lower-rated lenders.
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Indira Jaising and Anand Grover Wednesday cried foul over a Supreme Court notice to them and their NGO, Lawyers Collective, on a plea alleging FCRA violation by them, and said they are deeply disturbed by the turn of events. They said they are being victimised as Jaising took up the cause of a sacked woman employee of the apex court who had levelled allegations of sexual harassment against Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi which were rejected by an In-House Inquiry Committee on May 6. The notice was issued to them on a plea seeking investigation and lodging of FIR under various provisions of law for allegedly violating rules relating to receipt and utilisation of foreign funds. Jaising and Grover, have been asked by a bench headed by the CJI to respond to a plea by an NGO, Lawyers Voice. It is obvious to us that this is victimisation on account of Ms Jaising taking up the issue of the procedure adopted in relation to the allegations of sexual harassment against the Chief Justice of India by a former employee of the Supreme Court which Ms Jaising has done so in her capacity as a concerned citizen, a senior member of the bar and a women's rights advocate, without commenting on the merits of the allegations, Jaising, Grover and Lawyers Collective said. They said that since Jaising, a former Additional Solicitor General, has been publicly vocal on the due process with regard to the conduct of the In-House Inquiry Committee headed by Justice S A Bobde, the CJI should have recused himself from hearing the matter. Considering that Ms Jaising has been publicly vocal on the issue of due process of law in relation to the conduct of the in-house inquiry, the Chief Justice ought to have recused himself from hearing the matter, the statement said. They also said that the plea by Lawyers Voice was filed in the apex court on May 6 and it came be listed before the CJI's court on Wednesday contrary to the circulars and notifications of the top court. We are deeply disturbed by the turn of events. It needs to be noted that the petition came to be filed on May 6, 2019. It appears from the record on the Supreme Court's website that the petition was filed on May 6 at 3.19 PM. There were a number of objections, which were removed on May 7, they said. It further appears that though the matter was not orally mentioned on May 7, it came to be listed in court number 1 on May 8, contrary to the circulars and notifications of the Supreme Court in respect of listing, the statement said. It has been brought to our knowledge that during the proceedings today, though the petitioner's advocate did not orally seek any interim orders, the court has passed an order to the effect that the pendency of the petition will not come in the way of government agencies proceeding in the matter, the statement said. They said it appeared from the oral submissions by the advocate appearing for the petitioner that the plea concerns the alleged 'mis-utilisation' of foreign funding under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 (FCRA). The statement said that Lawyers Collective has no foreign funding since 2016 when its FCRA registration was suspended and later, cancelled by the Union Home Ministry.
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IT firm Mindtree on Tuesday informed stock exchanges that around 1.10 crore pledged shares of the company were released on March 30, following instructions from various debenture holders. Mindtree is in the midst of a takeover battle, with Larsen & Toubro (L&T) seeking to take control of the mid-sized IT firm. However, Mindtree's promoters are opposed to the proposed deal. (A total of) 1,10,19,467 equity shares (6.71 per cent stake) were pledged in favour of IDBI Trusteeship Services Ltd. have been released pursuant to the instruction of various debenture holders of various NCDs issued, Mindtree said in a filing to the exchanges. The pledged shares were released on March 30, 2019, as per the filing.
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The shares of Zee Entertainment recovered slightly after the firm denied the report relating to concerns about the audit of the financial statements for Q4FY19. We deny the above rumours floating in the market relating to audit of the financial statements of the company, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL) said in a regulatory filing. The company stock that fell as much as 12 per cent intraday recovered slightly to end the day at Rs 333.30, down 35.90, or 9.72 per cent on BSE. The scrip had declined 4 per cent on Tuesday. The audit of standalone and consolidated financial statements for the fiscal is in progress by the statutory auditors of the company, it added. A meeting of the board of directors has already been scheduled on May 27, 2019, the firm also said. On report of stake sale by promoters, ZEEL said in the separate exchange filing that it can’t provide clarification on the same as of now. The promoters Essel Group on Tuesday had said that the process of sale of stake in the company is at an advanced stage. The company is not in a position to provide any comment or clarification until such time any potential investor is identified and such arrangement is disclosed by the promoters to the board of directors of the company, the firm said in a regulatory filing.
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Stability and rationality may to return to the telecom market by the fourth quarter of the current fiscal, as mobile operators move beyond hyper-competitive pricing into tapping new, value-added avenues of revenue to bolster topline and profit, according to industry body COAI. We expect stability and rationality to return to the market. The market has been, in a sense, a bit irrational in terms of dynamics, in terms of pricing intensity of going after other people's customers, Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) Director General Rajan S Mathews told. The telecom operators will look at getting more offerings like content, e-commerce and financial services aggregated onto their networks to enhance revenue streams and arrest declines in topline and bottomline, he said. I don't personally expect to see revenue declining by the time we get to the fourth quarter of the current financial year. We have seen that for the last 5-6 quarters, we have seen decline in topline and profitability. That will be arrested. I don't see a great uptick in churn, and I don't see hyper-competitive pricing going on because of those factors, I would expect to see stability return to the market, Mathews added. From an industry perspective, we have probably seen the worst of churn, and worst of intensity of cutting of tariffs, so we are seeing more rationality coming in because of the challenge of raising finances. The question of how bad is it going to be is past. We are looking at a more positive dimension, Mathews said.
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Amid heightened volatility in the stock market, the ultra-rich are betting big on Gold, with 14% UHNI’s expected to increase their allocation to the yellow metal in 2019, according to a report. Nearly 14% of Indian ultra-high networth individuals (UHNWIs) are likely to increase their investment to Gold asset class in 2019, 3% higher compared to the previous year 2018. Notably, Indian UHNWIs already have a higher allocation towards Gold in their investment portfolio at 4%, as compared to the global average of 2%, and Asia average of 3%. Shishir Baijal, Knight Frank India noted that gold has always been considered a safe investment and in countries with cultural affinity towards the yellow metal, a renewal of interest is seen. Like all investments gold also witnesses volatility but has remained largely stable with a upward bias for long periods of time, he said. While India is one of the largest consumers of gold, it has usually been in the form of ornaments for retail purpose. However, in recent times, the trend seems to be changing now, as investors purchase gold and bonds for investment purpose, noted the report. This trend is expected to grow further. With the optimistic outlook towards investments in the asset class, on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, we expect a number ultra-rich in India to purchase gold both for investment and consumption purpose, Baijal added. Interestingly, while 14% of the ultra-rich are looking to increase allocation to gold, globally, 20% of survey respondents said that they are going to increase allocation to Gold in 2019, a higher percentage when compared with 11% citing to have increased allocation in 2018. The positive attitude of UHNWIs towards investments in the asset class has also gone up in Asia with 25% expecting an increase when compared to 19% who cited an increase in allocation in 2019.
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Santosh Parashar, has filed a case against a Ghaziabad-based real estate developer with the Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (Rera). Parashar, who is set to appear for his first hearing on 9 May at the Gautam Budh Nagar (Greater Noida) bench of UP Rera, is hopeful that the authority will come to his rescue. Since UP Rera came into existence, it has seen about 12,500 cases, out of which 5,700 have been disposed of till date. Parashar booked an apartment at a housing project in Ghaziabad in March 2015. He had already paid the booking amount and a few initial instalments. Parashar refused to sign the agreement and asked for a re-allotment. After several rounds of requests and arguments, he was finally allotted another unit, and signed the agreement in December 2015. But this was not the end of his ordeal. Some months later, Parashar found out to his utter shock that the unit alloted to him didn’t exist in the building plan. A few other homebuyers also faced the same issue, but repeated enquiries failed to elicit any response from the developer. Moreover, the project is delayed. Buyers were supposed to get possession in December 2018, but construction came to a halt one and a half years ago and only 30% of the work has been done till date, said Parashar, who finally lodged a formal complaint with Rera in April 2019. The Act was enacted on 1 May 2016, and all states were mandated to formulate and notify rules for the functioning of the regulator in their respective jurisdictions within six months, and set up a regulator by 1 May 2017. However, many states failed to meet both these deadlines. Every state was also supposed to launch a website within a year of Rera’s establishment. However, according to information compiled by Anarock Property Consultants Pvt. Ltd, a real estate consultancy, states like Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim and Nagaland are yet to notify rules under the Act. Also, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Tripura, Lakshadweep and Puducherry are yet to launch their websites (see graphic). A few others states have diluted some of the provisions of the Act, while the West Bengal government has drafted its own separate real estate Act and established a Housing Industry Regulatory Authority under it. Launching a website was an important aspect of the Act to provide homebuyers information such as names of under-construction projects and details like the names of developers and promoters, approvals, the number of apartments, possession date, registered agents, and so on. The Act mandates that the website must enable homebuyers to file complaints online. While many states don’t have a website yet, some of the existing websites do not have adequate information and are of little help to the homebuyers. Orissa Rera does not even have a working phone number to guide, said Sarada Prasanna Das. Das booked an apartment in late 2011, which was to be delivered in 2013. The 39-year-old finally had to cancel his booking in 2015 as the construction of the tower in which he booked had not even started. After a lot of following up, the developer returned 40,000 out of about 5 lakh Das had paid, and provided a repayment plan to settle the remaining amount by July 2016. Das, who hasnt received even a single repayment instalment until now after the initial payment, is now trying to get Rera’s help to recover his dues. But so far he has been unable to file a formal complaint with Rera because he doesn’t know how to go about it and the information on the website is not helpful enough. Das is not the only one who is disappointed with the way Rera functions. Manish Patni, is fighting a case against a Haryana-based developer in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) seeking a refund of his payments to the developer with interest, as the project is delayed. He claims that the developer had promised a different layout in the builder-buyer agreement and the brochure at the time of booking but submitted a revised brochure for the project, with a different project layout, when getting the project registered with Rera. When I along with other aggrieved homebuyers wrote an email to Rera and Town and Country Planning Department, Haryana, providing them information about the wrongdoings of the developer, none of them acted on it. When we approached the Rera office, they said they would act if we withdraw the case from NCDRC and file a fresh formal complaint with Rera. Patni alleged that Rera had not taken any action even though they had provided it the relevant information and documents. While a few states claim to have solved a large number of complaints filed with them, their websites still lack some important information. For instance, information about cases against developers or projects are not available on the UP Rera website. However, in a recent interview, Rajive Kumar, chairman, Uttar Pradesh Rera, said that they are working on it and such information will be made available soon. Pradeep Mishra, said Rera is doing relatively well if we consider projects that were launched after Rera came into existence. The authority is checking papers before registering projects; it is also doing a ground check, taking stock of development and so on. However, it’s a toothless tiger when it comes to old projects, said Mishra. Given the high level of project delays and cheating cases, Rera’s enactment after eight long years of wait (its first concept paper came in 2008) had raised hopes among homebuyers. But lack of seriousness and slow pace of its implementation by several states has come as a setback.
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Vodafone Group Plc has pledged its entire 44.39% stake in Vodafone Idea — worth over 18,000 crore with seven foreign banks, after Indias largest telco issued new shares to the promoters following a 25,000-crore rights issue. Vodafone Promoter Mauritius Shareholders and Vodafone Promoter Indian Shareholders have pledged their 44.39% stake in Vodafone Idea, the company told stock exchanges on Wednesday. There are 12 entities under Vodafone Group that own the stake, and are based out of India and Mauritius. According to the filing, Vodafone Group has pledged the shares for financing arrangements in favour of HSBC Corporate Trustee Company (UK) Ltd, which is acting as a trustee for BNP Paribas, HSBC Bank Plc, ING Bank NVSingapore branch, StanChart Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley Senior Funding Inc.
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As fast-food chain McDonald’s India and its estranged partner Vikram Bakshi look to settle their six-year-old dispute suitors are lining up to run the former's operations in north and east India. The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group and Moon Beverages, which is Coca-Cola’s largest bottling partner, have initiated talks with McDonald’s for Bakshi’s Connaught Plaza Restaurants (CPRL) that runs 165 McDonald’s restaurants in the north and east, the Economic Times reported, quoting three officials aware of the developments. Speculation is rife that Amit Jatia-led Hardcastle Restaurants, which runs McDonald’s outlets in south and west India, may want to run the burgers-and-fries business nationally.
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As more and more neighbourhood kirana stores aim to modernise their tech infrastructure, the entry of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) would help expand the current 15,000 digitized store base to over five million stores by 2023, a Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BoAML) research said on Tuesday. One of the most interesting trends in retail sector in India is that kirana stores are keen to upgrade their merchant point-of-sale (MPoS) technology, which is driving a wave of modernisation (90% of the $700 billion retail market is still unorganised). The current one-time price point of 50,000 limits the market to Class A/B stores (turnover of 900K /month). We believe that with the RIL's entry, we could see an increase in merchant adoptability, as the price points will likely come down (RIL's current one-time deposit is 3,000) and reach should expand, the research noted. As a big player, RIL is entering an otherwise scattered market. Some of the key players in the fragmented merchant point-of-sale (MPoS) are SnapBizz, Nukkad Shops and GoFrugal. Kirana stores liked the ease of billing/generating GST complaint bills the best. The PoS system provides an option of adding in-built discounts and also push offers to entire customer database via SMS, the research noted.
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AMAZON HIT BY EXTENSIVE FRAUD: HACKERS STOLE MONEY FROM 100 SELLER ACCOUNTS Inc. said it was hit by an extensive fraud, revealing that unidentified hackers were able to siphon funds from merchant accounts over six months last year. Amazon believes it was the victim of a serious online attack by hackers who broke into about 100 seller accounts and funneled cash from loans or sales into their own bank accounts, according to a UK legal document. The hack took place between May 2018 and October 2018, Amazon’s lawyers said in a redacted filing from November that can now be made public. Amazon said it was still investigating the compromised accounts and believed that hackers managed to change details of accounts on the Seller Central platform to their own at Barclays Plc and Prepay Technologies Ltd., which is partly owned by Mastercard Inc., according to the filing. Amazon found the accounts were likely compromised by phishing techniques that tricked sellers into giving up confidential login information. An Amazon spokesman said the company had finished its investigation of the incident. The case highlights how the world’s biggest online retail platform -- designed to be automated with minimal human input -- can be misused and how difficult it is for Amazon to find perpetrators. Lawyers for Amazon asked a London judge to approve searches of account statements at Barclays and Prepay, which have become innocently mixed up in the wrongdoing. Amazon needed the documents to investigate the fraud, identify and pursue the wrongdoers, locate the whereabouts of misappropriated funds, bring the fraud to an end and deter future wrongdoing, the company’s lawyers said in the court filing. The filing doesn’t say how the suspected wrongdoers were able to add details of additional banks to the merchant accounts. The Amazon units named in the filing include Amazon Capital Services UK Ltd., which makes loans available to sellers for as long as one year. The first fraudulent transfer occurred on May 16, according to the filing.
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With a sharp increase in leasing in the shared working space over the last few quarters, co-working is catching up as a preferred asset class for several leading developers and investors, a report by real estate consultancy firm CBRE said. Flexible working space saw a 277% jump in leasing to nearly 3 million sq ft in the first quarter of calendar 2019, according to the report. On a quarterly basis, it shot up by 70%. Even the size of leasing have increased significantly with several co-working operators shifting focus to taking up medium-to-large sized spaces of as much as 1 lakh sqft, the report said. Bangalore and the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) region were the most preferred markets for flexible space operators in India, accounting for more than half of leasing in the country in the segment during January-March this year, the report showed. As per the report, interest in the segment was also strong from a landlord perspective as is evident by Hyderabad-based developer Meenakshi Group's investment in iKeva to support expansion plans of the co-working startup. He said the leasing quantum of this segment is expected to rise to about 10 million sq. ft. by 2020 from about 7.1 million sq. ft. in 2018.
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Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS) is set to surpass DXC Technology Co. to become the world’s third-largest software services provider in fiscal 2018-19, marking the first change in the pecking order of the information technology (IT) outsourcing industry in two years. If TCS does surpass DXC, it will only lag behind International Business Machines Corp. and Accenture Plc. DXC Technology, formed by the merger of Computer Sciences with a division of Hewlett Packard in 2017, needs to clock a 5.06% sequential growth in the fourth quarter to end with $20.91 billion in revenue. Most analysts believe it is unlikely that DXC will manage this growth. DXC declares its fourth-quarter earnings on 23 May. TCS grew 9.6%, or added $1.82 billion in new business, to end with $20.91 billion in revenue in the year ended 31 March. In the first nine months of 2018-19, TCS generated $15.52 billion in revenue, more than the $15.47 billion in business done by DXC. TCS’s strong performance over the two years has seen a change of guard at the top. In 2017, TCS entrusted Rajesh Gopinathan, to take over as chief executive and succeed N. Chandrasekaran, who was named the chairman of Tata Sons Ltd. Still, the company managed to retain all its senior executives and improved its growth and profitability, with the consensus view that this was one of the smoothest management transitions at an Indian corporate entity. DXC had $25.39 billion in revenue when it was set up in 2017, while TCS ended with $17.57 billion in revenue. This implies that over the last two years, DXC has seen its revenue decline by more than $4 billion, while during this time TCS has added $3.34 billion in incremental revenue. IBM, which ended with $79.59 billion in revenue last year, does not disclose business from IT outsourcing services. However, the company got $69.76 billion in business from global business, technology services and cognitive solutions, all of which can be clubbed under IT services business. Accenture ended with $39.57 billion last year.
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The inner workings of Facebook’s blockchain team are still shrouded in secrecy but it’s staffing up, according to people familiar with the group. Those people said that its product, which Bloomberg earlier reported will be a type of cryptocurrency, could be announced as soon as next quarter.;Launched last May, Facebook’s blockchain unit now counts 50 employees. According to Facebook insiders, the blockchain group is developing a stablecoin, a type of digital currency pegged to the US dollar or a basket of currencies, making it less prone to swings in price. The first country that will test the currency will be India, a region that is particularly appealing for Facebook because it still has room to expand. The product could allow users to transfer money for remittances via WhatsApp through stablecoin. Chris Hughes has called for the break up of the social network in a piece in the New York Times.We are a nation with a tradition of reining in monopolies, no matter how well intentioned the leaders of these companies may be. Mark's power is unprecedented and un-American, he wrote on Thursday.
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Apple Inc. has finalized a short list of locations for its first retail store in India, according to people familiar with the plans, as the company redoubles its efforts in the world’s fastest-growing smartphone market. The iPhone giant has zeroed in on several upscale sites in Mumbai, and plans to make a final decision in the next few weeks, said the people, asking not to be named because the discussions are private. The vetted spots are comparable to iconic Apple locations on Fifth Avenue in New York, Regent Street in London or the Champs-Elysees in Paris, they said. Apple has been prohibited from opening its own stores in the country because it doesn’t meet local sourcing requirements, but it’s shifting manufacturing into India and is in talks with the government about its retail expansion. The Cupertino, has struggled to establish itself in India where consumers have opted for less expensive Chinese brands such as Xiaomi and Vivo. But Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook has vowed to improve in the fast-growing market, especially as Apple loses ground in China. Manufacturing in India will also allow the company to sidestep 20 percent tariffs on imported phones, making its devices more competitive. Now Apple appears to be doing the difficult -- and expensive -- work of building a foundation for its business. Foxconn Technology Group, its most important manufacturing partner, is running quality tests for the iPhone Xr series in India and plans to begin mass production at a facility in the suburbs of Chennai. Older models are already assembled at a Wistron plant in Bangalore. The increase in local operations should expedite approval for a company-owned store when a new government takes over in India at the end of May or early June, said the people.

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Thanks & Regards,
CS Meetesh Shiroya 


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